RCF Blog

Seeing others for who they really are

Last week Rose Castle Foundation was privileged to mark Holocaust Memorial for a BBC Radio 4...

The Policy Researcher

I knew I wanted to help migrants and refugees after I worked for Religions for Peace, an...

Unleashing our inner child

It’s a bracingly cold day in early January and I am waiting for my son, Nūh, to wake up from his...

Opening spaces for re-humanisation in a virtual world on steroids

I moved into my family home over the Christmas season - temporarily, as I like to remind people who...

Christmas Greetings

Greetings all, This is traditionally a season in which we share our hopes and prayers for peace and...

The Limits of Zoom

For many of us, this has been a year of rapid adaptation. Most significantly, adapting to a digital...

Sustainability in Reconciliation

It feels like sustainability has been a trending word for a while now, and for good reasons! It is...

A Glimpse into the Life of RCF in 2020

Well, “What a year…” Is an understatement! Who would have imagined what we now know of the world –...

Uncovering forgotten histories of conflict at Rose Castle

As renovation on the site begins, a team of archaeologists have made some surprising discoveries...